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Cruitives kalender ger dig en tydlig överblick över alla dina rekryteringsaktiviteter. Håll koll på intervjuer, deadlines och andra viktiga händelser på ett ställe. Boka enkelt intervjutider och synkronisera med ditt befintliga kalendersystem.

Keep track of the recruitment process

Create and Manage Important Milestones

Cruitive's calendar offers more than just interview bookings. You can easily create and manage general events related to your recruitments. Use this feature to mark important milestones such as application deadlines, team evaluations, or feedback meetings. By having all this information gathered in one place, you get a clear overview of the entire recruitment process.

Cruitives kalender

Cruitives kalender

Create interview bookings directly in the calendar

Simple and Quick Booking Process

With Cruitive's calendar, you can create interview bookings directly in the interface, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. When you find an available time in your calendar, you can create a new interview booking with just a few clicks. The system guides you through the process and lets you choose the candidate, interview type, and any additional participants.

Optimize Your Schedule in Real-Time

One of the great advantages of this feature is that you can immediately see how the interview fits into your overall schedule. You can easily adjust the time or length of the interview to optimize your day. Once the booking is made, an invitation is automatically sent to the candidate and any other participants, including all relevant information.

Streamline with Interview Booking Groups

Create Flexible Booking Options

Interview booking groups in Cruitive's calendar are a powerful tool for managing complex scheduling. You can create a booking group directly in the calendar by marking several available times. Then you can invite multiple candidates to the group, giving them the opportunity to choose the time that suits them best.

Interview booking group

Interview booking group

Maximize Time Utilization

This feature is particularly useful when you have many candidates to interview or when you want to give candidates flexibility in scheduling. In the calendar, you can easily see which times are booked and which are still available within a booking group. This helps you maximize your time and ensure that you utilize all available interview slots.

Improve Candidate Experience

By using interview booking groups in Cruitive's calendar, you can dramatically increase the efficiency of your recruitment process. You save time on administration and scheduling while providing candidates with a positive and flexible experience. This tool makes it possible to handle even the most complex recruitment processes with ease and precision.


Explore more features in Cruitive

Cruitive offers a complete set of tools to optimize your recruitment process. Discover our other powerful features below and see how they can streamline your work.

Interview booking

Streamline the interview process with our smooth booking system. Synchronize calendars, send automatic reminders, and avoid double bookings.

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Get a clear overview of all recruitment activities. Our integrated calendar helps you plan, organize, and optimize your time.

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Stay in touch with candidates throughout the entire process. Send personal messages, updates, and feedback via our secure platform.

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Career page

Create a professional and engaging career page that reflects your brand. Make it easy for talents to find and apply for your open positions.

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Detailed statistics

Gain deep insights into your recruitment process with our advanced analytics module. Identify trends, measure efficiency, and make data-driven decisions.

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Organisera och fördela rekryteringsuppgifter effektivt inom teamet. Sätt deadlines, tilldela ansvar och följ upp framsteg i realtid.

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Reference management

Automate and simplify the reference-checking process. Collect, organize, and analyze references to make well-informed decisions.

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Screening forms

Create tailored forms to efficiently evaluate candidates. Customize questions and criteria to find the most suitable talents.

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Quick support

Access fast and knowledgeable support when you need it. Our dedicated team is here to help you solve issues and optimize your use of the system.

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High security

Protect sensitive information with our advanced security architecture. Encrypted data storage, secure access control, and regular security updates give you peace of mind.

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Other features


Easily categorize candidates and recruitments with tags for quick and efficient searching.


Streamline the selection process by rating candidates based on relevant criteria.

Internal recruitment

Optimize talent development by easily managing internal recruitments within the company.

Job ad templates

Save time and ensure consistency with customizable templates for job advertisements.


Keep track of the recruitment process with customized statuses for both recruitments and candidates.


Automate workflows by linking actions to specific status changes.


Set and monitor deadlines for recruitments to ensure efficient processes.

Add candidates manually

Flexibility to add candidates directly to the system, even without a formal application.

Digital agreements

Streamline the hiring process by creating and sending agreements digitally through Cruitive.

Assessment matrix

Evaluate candidates objectively with a tailored assessment matrix for each recruitment.

Anonymous candidates

Reduce unconscious bias by anonymizing candidates in the recruitment process.

Ai ranking

Leverage science-based AI to rank candidates and streamline the selection process.

Digital candidate pool

Gather all applicants in a central digital pool for easy access and future recruitments.


Stay updated with customizable notifications in the system and via email.

Activity feed

Follow the recruitment process in real-time with a shared activity feed for the entire team.

Message templates

Communicate effectively with candidates using customized message templates.

Application form templates

Simplify recruitment creation with reusable templates for application forms.

AI generated textes

Save time and improve job ad quality with AI-assisted text generation.

Recruitment teams

Collaborate effectively by creating and managing recruitment teams with customized access.

Interview guides

Standardize the interview process with tailored guides for consistent and effective interviews.


Get started with Cruitive today