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Scientific recruitment: the key to successful hires in Cruitive

In an era where talent is a crucial competitive advantage and where there is an enormous amount of research in the field that can help us optimize our processes to reach talents, it's actually quite foolish not to take advantage of that opportunity. Instead, with the help of systems that facilitate the work, one can utilize the available science and make the work more optimized.

Publicerad 2024-08-30

Working with quality makes a difference

Working with quality makes a difference In today's fast-paced business climate, finding and retaining the right talent is crucial for organizational success. Evidence-based recruitment, built on evidence-based methods and data-driven decision-making, has proven to be a powerful tool for optimizing the hiring process.

Evidence-based recruitment: What does it mean and why is it important?

Evidence-based recruitment is about grounding the recruitment process in scientific research, practical experience, organizational data, and stakeholder perspectives. Instead of relying on gut feelings or traditional methods, it uses the best available evidence to ensure that every step in the recruitment process is well-founded and effective. This includes everything from designing requirement profiles to selecting assessment methods, with the goal of optimizing the chances of finding the right person for each position.

Working evidence-based requires a critical approach and a structured way of working. By using valid methods, standardizing processes, and applying mechanical assessment, recruiters can reduce subjectivity and increase the accuracy of their decisions. Evidence-based recruitment aims to optimize the entire recruitment process by using proven and research-based methods.


Scientific recruitment represents a paradigm shift in how organizations approach talent acquisition. By harnessing the power of data, standardized processes, and validated assessment methods, companies can drastically improve the quality and efficiency of their recruitments. This not only leads to better hiring decisions but also contributes to building higher-performing and more diverse teams - a key to long-term success in today's competitive business environment.